Freedom Is Something We Share Together: Motion by Becker
The recent motion by Becker (Dutch member of the Parliament) to investigate Dutch citizens with a migration background regarding their...

Vrijheid Deel Je Samen: Motie van Becker
De recente motie van Becker om Nederlanders met een migratieachtergrond te onderzoeken op hun religieuze opvattingen is een stap in een...

Inspire compassion and honor human dignity, not to oppress or harm!
A while ago, I visited the exhibition “Slavery and Christianity” at the Catharijneconvent in Utrecht, an experience that deeply moved me...

The Sign of Jonah and the Seven Spirits: A Warning Against Judgmentalism
Photo (c) Sam Lee 2024 In the Gospel of Matthew, the teachers of the law demanded a sign from Jesus, and He responded with a striking...

Three Decades of Commitment: Samuel Lee's Reflections on the 30th Anniversary of His Church and Ministry
Today, we gather to celebrate a remarkable journey—a journey that began thirty years ago with a couple of friends and dreamers, young...

Ketikoti: Chains of Tyranny Have Been Broken and Many Still Remain to be Shattered
Ketikoti Day, celebrated on July 1st in the Netherlands, commemorates the abolition of slavery in Suriname and the Dutch Caribbean. It...

Pentecost: Unleashing the Power of Love
As a Christian, the significance of Pentecost cannot be overstated. Pentecost, which marks the descent of the Holy Spirit upon the...

The Bible & the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
It was 75 years ago on 10 December 1948, 48 out 58 member states of the United Nations voted in favor of the Universal Declaration of...

Challenges of Migrant Churches In Amsterdam and Beyond
The entire Amsterdam Southeast, commonly known as Bijlmer, has over 90.000 residents, with 130 different nationalities coexisting. This...

Burning Sacred Books: What Do We Achieve by That?
What drives someone to burn the sacred Holy Books and Scriptures of various religions? Why would an individual choose to burn the Quran,...