Pentecostalism, Reform!
Introduction In the past hundred years, the pentecostalism became one of the fastest growing Christian movements the world. It offered an...

What Kind of Pentecostal Am I?
I have quite an interesting Christian life. Some of my fellow Pentecostals think I am liberal, and they often ask themselves “Is Samuel...

An Open Letter to those pastors in the United States who plan to burn the Koran
Dear Colleagues, I greet you in the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. As we approach the anniversary of the horrific events of...

Who Are We Following?
These days I am thinking who do we really follow as a Church or as Ministry? Do we follow the examples of the so-called successful...

Celebrate Christianity
Recently, while I was praying and meditating I asked God and mostly myself, “What is Christianity all about?” “What should make my faith...

Let Us Be Real
What am I thinking these days is how some of us have gone far from the loving Gospel of Jesus Christ. We have forgotten that the essence...

Before Being a Christian, I Am a Human!
Once I asked a group of believers, “Who are you?” The majority replied, “We are Christians.” Some responded that they were “children of...

Immigration Policy in Europe & Human Rights-Migrant Strategies
Today I spoke at a Trade Union Meeting in the Netherlands, concerning the Rights of Migrants and Migrant Domestic Workers. Below you can...