A New, yet an Old Kind of Pentecostalism
In 2011, I was asked by my friend Kurt Willems to write some reflections on my recent book, A New Kind of Pentecostalism. Here are some...

Highjacked Pentecostalism!
(I wrote this article in 2012, but still timely). Pentecostalism is one of the fastest growing Christian movements in our world today,...

Sowing & Reaping in History
The current developments in our world are quite alarming. We find ourselves in the middle of a serious global tension, fed by terror and...

Een vriendschap gevonden langs de oever
Rabbijn Lody van de Kamp en Samuel Lee zijn al jaren buren van elkaar en sinds zeven jaar goede vrienden. Een brug is aangebracht om over...

Celebrate Christianity!
Recently, while I was praying and meditating I asked God and mostly myself, “What is Christianity all about?" “What should make my faith...

Struggles of a Pentecostal Pastor
This year in April, I celebrated my 23 years of full-time pastoral ministry. When I started the Church here in Amsterdam, less did I know...

I love Justice More
For those who don't know me, or this is their first time they ever read a post from me: my name is Samuel Lee. I am a father, a pastor,...

My Recommendations for Inter-religious Dialogue for UN Conference in 2016
In 2016, there will be a United Nations’ conference in Istanbul on Inter-religious dialogue. In preparation for this there was a...

Some Pentecostals & Exclusivity of the Holy Spirit!
As current day Pentecostals, we have to realize that the Holy Spirit is neither our exclusive trademark of our denomination, nor limited...

We have turned the Gospel into a product
In the twenty-first century, the name of Jesus Christ has been turned into a product, a religious, political and spiritual product that...