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Pentecost: Unleashing the Power of Love

As a Christian, the significance of Pentecost cannot be overstated. Pentecost, which marks the descent of the Holy Spirit upon the disciples of Jesus, represents a transformative moment in the history of Christianity—the birth of the Church as a fellowship of believers and a movement of change in a broken world. It is a moment that continues to inspire and shape the lives of believers today.

To me, Pentecost is about God pouring out the Holy Spirit—the Spirit of Love, Justice, Grace, and Peace—upon those whose hearts are prepared, minds are ready, and arms are open. At its core, Pentecost is a celebration of the “blessed poor in spirit,” who, through their humility and dedication in Christ, inherit the kingdom of heaven. It is a recognition of the power that lies within each of us to be agents of change and comfort in the lives of others. It is a reminder that, as children of God, we are called to be beacons of light for the hopeless, voices for the voiceless, dancing feet for the unable, and sources of comfort for those who mourn.

Pentecost is about God pouring out the Holy Spirit—the Spirit of Love, Justice, Grace, and Peace—upon those whose hearts are prepared, minds are ready, and arms are open.

What Pentecost is not about is the idea of using the name of the Holy Spirit for self-enrichment or commercializing religion—what I also call selling the name of the “Holy Spirit” to build empires rather than the Kingdom of God. Just like the moment when Jesus entered the temple and overturned the tables of the money changers who made unjust profits out of religion, Pentecost should not be exploited for personal gain. In the Pentecostal and Charismatic world, (to which I still belong in an ecumenical form), "dove" is a symbol of the Holy Spirit. Yet, both in the past and today, there are those who commercialize the ministry of the Holy Spirit.

I never forget the story of a rich preacher from a poor country with his private jet. From a close insider, I was informed that small bottles were filled with ordinary olive oil from the local supermarket and sold at the conference for exorbitant amounts, pretending they were Holy Oil from the heart of the Holy Land. Selling these bottles to the poor and the marginalized: he sold them hope of prosperity and a distorted image of the gospel. The Western world is not immune from such corrupted versions of the Gospel, with ministers who link the Holy Spirit to self-enrichment, using worldly marketing schemes to enrich their own empires, buying mansions, second jets, or yachts. In contrast, Pentecost challenges us to embrace the virtues of purity in heart, meekness, and mercy. In doing so, we not only transform our own lives but also contribute to the transformation of the world around us. By recognizing the divine in our neighbors, we learn to see God not as a distant figure but as a present and active force in our daily interactions. By practicing humility and self-reflection, we become more attuned to the needs of others and better equipped to serve as peacemakers.

The true power of Pentecost lies in its ability to unleash the Power of Love—a force that transcends boundaries, heals wounds, and brings people together. The Holy Spirit should never be used to oppress people and subdue others to one man or woman’s ministry until the end of their lives. As we celebrate Pentecost, let us remember that we are each called to be vessels of this divine love, carrying it into the darkest corners of our world and allowing it to illuminate our paths as we journey toward a brighter, more compassionate future.

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© 2010-2019 by Samuel C. Lee  /  

Samuel Lee (Ph.D.) is the founder and president of the Foundation Academy of Amsterdam, offering higher education in liberal arts and humanities for migrants, refugees, and persecuted minorities.

He is the rector of the Center for Theology of Migration at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam - Faculty of Religion and Theology (FRT-VU), the educational program of Samen Kerk in Nederland at the FRT-VU. 


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